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"Pig for Pikin" is a Cameroonian Pidgin English phrase meaning "Pigs for Children". It is the name of a community development project co-designed by both a team of social scientists and the local communities of a rural area of Cameroon called Lower Fungom.
The problem
In Lower Fungom, as in rural Cameroon in general, schools are run thanks to the resources and good will of local communities. However, farmers are often economically fragile and only few of them are able to save enough money to pay school fees. Without these funds, Community teachers cannot be paid a fair salary, school buildings cannot be maintained, and libraries remain a mirage. Of course, those who bear the brunt of this situation are the farmers children.
a possible solution
What could allow farmers to raise more money and, hence, be able to support schools without relying on external sources? Lower Fungom is very hilly and relatively isolated and agriculture is most often aimed at subsistence. However, due to its elevation, the area would be perfect for animal husbandry. Locals expressed keen interest in raising pigs, and we helped developing the idea. Here is why Pig for Pikin, which means Pigs for Children.
Offering training, materials, and piglets: can our support end here? We do not think so. We work as social scientists in the area since 2010, and this has made us aware that there are aspects of Lower Fungom culture and society that must be taken into consideration if we want children education to actually benefit from our project. This is social sustainability, which is as important as the environmental one.

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